Oh Ironforge music, how I have missed you. Kinda empty now, but I sure as hell love it =P

Snow and Illness
No jobs at all today. WTF mate?!

And its snowing, and I am sick. Not very happy about that. Im gonna crawl up in bed with the laptop and watch a movie, me thinks.
Breakfast; blueberry yoghurt and tea.

I had my last cig last night.. I hope. So instead I am chewing these horrible gums.

They make you wanna hurl, BUT. They do prevent you from smoking.
I had stupid pancakes for lunch, which made me ill. And then pineapple for dinner =P
Great day.. not. I'm gonna spend the night playing world of warcraft with my dude. I hope you are doing something usefull too.

Monday morningzzz
The only thing new is that its a new week, which for me isnt really any different from yesterday, BUT! =P
Im positive. I have spent 2 hours looking/applyig for jobs. But I didnt find shitloads to apply to. Anyway!
Had blueberry yoghurt for breakfast, but forgot to take picture of it. =D
Its that lowcal yoghurt, 35kcal/100g. And its tasy with real blueberrys in it. I even managed to spill some on my expensive keyboard.
Now Im gonna get some fresh air and exercise. Byeeee
Sunday of Health
Nice sunday. Started the day with a walk (20 min) with my mom and my dog.
Then a healthy breakfast with pineapple and a sandwich with ham on. (whole grain bread. which I didnt eat anyway)
After the breakfast and some talk about food and life I dragged my mother to the library and got a funny book about nutrition and an asian cookbook. Fun times. Nice walk too.
After the breakfast and some talk about food and life I dragged my mother to the library and got a funny book about nutrition and an asian cookbook. Fun times. Nice walk too.
We went to the supermarket aswell and bought some nice food for a wok. Came home, made food and saw some new movie with Jennifer Aniston called.. ehm.. The Switch? Was okay.. too american though.
After the fudz I have had some green tea to get my stupid aching body warm.

Food and anger
Ate all day, basically. But its saturday, let me be =P Also I didnt have anything unhealthy. Actually, I rarely eat something really unhealthy..
Tomorrow its icecream sunday and I allow myself that. I might try to be back on diet tomorrow, but I would allow myself to just eat all day =P
I hate my neighbours. I fucking hate them. They are hammering in the middle of the night, and early as fuck in the morning. Even now, on weekends. Dumb cows. I wanna start making one hell of a noice tomorrow morning at like 5am to piss them off. BUT, the grown up thing would be to put up a friendly note in the elevator.
"Dear neighbours (assholes). Please repsect that some people likes to sleep in the mornings and enjoy to kick back in the couch with a film, without hearing the noice from your overactive stupid hammering. Find the time to do it in the day, or learn to live with white walls. Love, Santa"
Mid weekend?
Saturday saturday.

I miss my boyfriend more than even before. That sucks.
Anywho. Nice weather even tho its FUCKING cold =P
Im gonna take the bike for a spin around town and.. who knows. This day is meant to suck and it probably will. I hate everything.
And, for breakfast I had coffe, juice, two egg whites and a hardbread sandwich with pate and cucumber.
Looked something like this.

Wong Kee in my heart!
When my mother came home today, over worked as fuck, I descided that we would go out to eat.

And since we live as awesome as we do we dont have to go far. But we descided to have a walk to get to some awesome japanese 10 min walk from here. But when we were out of the door we got lazy and settled for the chinese 50m from our apartment. It looked kind of closed before and because of that we havent been there yet, til tonight. And I swear to the gods, it was the best chinese I've ever had. My mother and her husband thought so aswell, and its not even expensive. The prizes wont go over 170 SEK, and you get a lot of food.
I had scampi with mixed vegs, ate it all which was a fail, since I am trying to be all slim. But, wtf, scampi and vegs, how much can it really be. I wouldnt have cared tonight if it was a thousand calories, it was amazing.
I had scampi with mixed vegs, ate it all which was a fail, since I am trying to be all slim. But, wtf, scampi and vegs, how much can it really be. I wouldnt have cared tonight if it was a thousand calories, it was amazing.
I have a feeling that a lot of my money will be spent here..

Snacks of the day; pineapple.
Only applied for 5 jobs. Wasnt a lot out there today.. sighh
Well. I had a ham and cucumber sandwich for lunch/breakfast and now I just got in from being at the store. I bought this tiny pineapple that tastes like pure tropical heaven.
Now, Im gonna start the story.. Finally!

Tired. Starting the day with shitloads of coffee and job hunting.
I havent had breakfast and I dont think I will. Its always hard to keep the calorie intake down during the weekends, so I wont eat today til I really have to, so that I can have a disgusting meal later =P

Its a really nice day, sunny and not too windy, but I have a feeling Im going to be in and just apply for jobs and then later start writing a story my man and I came up with yesterday.
Hehe we fell asleep on cam again, he first. He is so god damn sexy, even when he sleeps. Wanted to prt scr and post it but... Im not that evil.
I havent had breakfast and I dont think I will. Its always hard to keep the calorie intake down during the weekends, so I wont eat today til I really have to, so that I can have a disgusting meal later =P
Sort of.

Tired tired tired tired

I have done some changes in my room today.. went pretty well.
Also, I made a omelette of two egg whites, mushrooms and half a tomato this morning. And some garlic for the metabolism. Tasted like heaven.
Gonna look for some jobs and then watch a movie. I am very low on energy today, I think Im getting sick actually.. Bleh. Oh and I watched Letters from Juliette today, what a crap ending to a sort of sweet story. 10 minutes of pure asslicking.
Anywho, smell ya later.

French Heaven
Chili and I am being french today and eating croissants. Or, one actually since they are sort of unhealthy =P
Gonna do some pilates later to compensate, but first I need cheese =P
Feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumber, basil, olive oil salt & pepper. Yum!
But not til dinner.
I'm also wearing a dress for the first time since 1372 b.c. Im gonna clean my room now, so that I can fit my large self on the floor for pilates. Wish me luck.

Sunny sunny Stockholm

Sweet. Nice weather again today, which means another powerwalk. If the ice has melted more than it yesterday I can even run. But I'd rather walk than break my spine.
I am going to get some writing done today, or I will feel like a failure. I'll print off my old story and just re-write the whole thing.
Oh and I lost more weight. No clue where that came from. I ate dinner twice yesterday and even had a glas of wine. Maybe I have maggots in my stomach, eating my food. Okay now I managed to gross myself out.
Breakfast time!
Walk again
Had a niiiice walk by the water. The snow is finally melting. So sick of winter.
Then I went home, had an apple and a bath. Niiiiice =D
Applied for 10 jobs today aswell, but its not easy to get one here. Almost lost 2kg in weight too. Cant see it though =P
Ehm.. Im gonna have a nap like the old woman I am. Or a film. Nice, yea film.

Early morning
Fixed my nails this morning.
I have been up since 4.30.. and I am not happy. My body is failing completly again and .. bleh.
Kept waking up and just didn't feel comfterable.
Its a nice day, sunny and warm, so I am going out for that walk I cancelled yesterday.
I've had an egg white for breakfast, which is just stupid cuz it doesnt contain anything. Might make myself a toast in a whie so I have something to work with today.
I need more coffee too =P

Good news! The ice is melting! =P
Sick of it, I want to see the water and the boats.
I have eaten again because I am fat and can't help myself =D
Roasted veggies with goat cheese and honey on. Still just veggies.. but the cheese isnt too good for ya. I'll take a long walk later to compensate =P

I took some picture of the crap I have in my window too
and just because I am so amazing I am going to share.
Actually its just me being bored.
Back on my feet, I hope
Been seriously sick for a while.. Been in bed with a bucket, pills and water I couldnt drink.
Thank god for good movies and a 42" tv.
Now, back on my feet after almost two days of hell. Im gonna go to the bar and have a drink with the dudes mother and the rest of the locals.
Going back to Sweden tomorrow, and I am bringing the sandgrounder with me. New place, new... everything.
Will be cool, I think.
Well. Im off.