Tired. Starting the day with shitloads of coffee and job hunting.
I havent had breakfast and I dont think I will. Its always hard to keep the calorie intake down during the weekends, so I wont eat today til I really have to, so that I can have a disgusting meal later =P

Its a really nice day, sunny and not too windy, but I have a feeling Im going to be in and just apply for jobs and then later start writing a story my man and I came up with yesterday.
Hehe we fell asleep on cam again, he first. He is so god damn sexy, even when he sleeps. Wanted to prt scr and post it but... Im not that evil.
I havent had breakfast and I dont think I will. Its always hard to keep the calorie intake down during the weekends, so I wont eat today til I really have to, so that I can have a disgusting meal later =P
Sort of.
