So, apparantly Gaddafi is dead, and the newspapers are showing a picture of a shot, bloody man.

They showed us when they killed Hussein aswell.
Makes you wonder if they really killed Usama bin Laden. The most feared person on earth and the one who had been on FBIs Most Wanted page for ages. Him they just dumped in the ocean.

I can't sleep
One. What is your middle name? - Erica
Two. What are you passionate about? - Love
Three. Zebra or leopard print? - Leopard
Four. Do you have any fears? - I fear almost everything, but I wont let that get in my way
Five. Silver or gold? - Silver
Six. Top three places to visit. - Egypt, New Zealand, Japan
Seven. How many siblings do you have? - 2
Eight. Where are you from? - Stockholm
Nine. First career you wanted as a child. - Zookeeper
Ten. What’s your sign? - Sagittarius
Eleven. Future names of your children. - Luke and Leia
Twelve. Do you have any pets? - Chili the Chihuahua
Thirteen. What are you listening to right now? - King of Queens is on
Fourteen. Do you believe in fate/destiny? - I am not sure
Fifteen. What are your career goals? - Successfull writer
Sixteen. What is your favorite color? - Red
Seventeen. What is your favorite flower? - Calla
Eighteen. What was the first concert/show you attended? - Britney Spears (age 11)
Nineteen. Something you are working on right now. - A book
Twenty. Have you ever had a near-death experience? - Yea
Twenty-one. Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? - Procrastinator
Twenty-two. Left or right handed? - Right
Twenty-three. TV Shows you watch regularly. - Big Bang theory, How I met your mother
Twenty-four. Where do you work? - Unemployed
Twenty-five. Halloween costume idea for this year? - None
Twenty-six. What is your relationship status? - Lost
Twenty-seven. Last movie you just watched. - The Others
Twenty-eight. Your best friend’s name. - Elin/Gabs
Twenty-nine. A song that’s been stuck in your head. - You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd
Thirty. A book you want to read/have recently read. - Hunger Games, for the third time
Two. What are you passionate about? - Love
Three. Zebra or leopard print? - Leopard
Four. Do you have any fears? - I fear almost everything, but I wont let that get in my way
Five. Silver or gold? - Silver
Six. Top three places to visit. - Egypt, New Zealand, Japan
Seven. How many siblings do you have? - 2
Eight. Where are you from? - Stockholm
Nine. First career you wanted as a child. - Zookeeper
Ten. What’s your sign? - Sagittarius
Eleven. Future names of your children. - Luke and Leia
Twelve. Do you have any pets? - Chili the Chihuahua
Thirteen. What are you listening to right now? - King of Queens is on
Fourteen. Do you believe in fate/destiny? - I am not sure
Fifteen. What are your career goals? - Successfull writer
Sixteen. What is your favorite color? - Red
Seventeen. What is your favorite flower? - Calla
Eighteen. What was the first concert/show you attended? - Britney Spears (age 11)
Nineteen. Something you are working on right now. - A book
Twenty. Have you ever had a near-death experience? - Yea
Twenty-one. Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? - Procrastinator
Twenty-two. Left or right handed? - Right
Twenty-three. TV Shows you watch regularly. - Big Bang theory, How I met your mother
Twenty-four. Where do you work? - Unemployed
Twenty-five. Halloween costume idea for this year? - None
Twenty-six. What is your relationship status? - Lost
Twenty-seven. Last movie you just watched. - The Others
Twenty-eight. Your best friend’s name. - Elin/Gabs
Twenty-nine. A song that’s been stuck in your head. - You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd
Thirty. A book you want to read/have recently read. - Hunger Games, for the third time

Good Night
What game do you play?
Spent the whole weekend with my lovely sister. Ate tacos and watched scary movies at her place on friday and yesterday we were at my moms and ate steak (YUM!) and sang loads of songs and just laughed.
Was really nice.

Did you know..
That seahorses kinda squirt out their babies?
Or that its the male seahorse that does it?
They can get over 1800 babies, this species anyway.
So I went..
So I went to the doctors.. And they sent me to a hospital to see a specilist.

She said "Yea, something isnt right..."
REALLY? Fucking REALLY? I cant hear properly, Im dizzy and I am bleeding! Chili could have made a better dignosis!
Anyway.. Im not happy. I slept for like one hour. Oh yea.. my hasmters died yesterday. Listen to this, they killed each other! Brothers, happy, lived together their whole life, and now, murdered. By eachother..
Everything is crap and I am not going to another hospital, end of. I went to one, and that was good enough.
The specialist can come and see me if its so damn imoportant!

New week!
New week, new life.
It's time to get back to business, get back in shape, and all that nonsense =P
I'm still frikkin sick though, so I might not start exercising just yet. But foodwise, I shall be healthy as a horse now.
My head is exploding, feels like my eyes are about to pop out. I'm gonna go and make myself some strong coffee, apply for jobs for an hour or so and then see how I feel. I should really start writing if I ever want that to happen.
Which I do. I just need motivation.
Also, I think I would write better if I wasnt at home. Like if I went to some caffee or something.. But then you need to buy a coffee or tea and in this city that never costs under £3. So in the long run, that would be expensive.
Mc Donlands have coffe though for like one pound. But.. not the nices enviroment to be sat in.
Anyway. Im off to start my day.
Early morning
Woke up early today, put on one of my favourite films, watching the sun rise.
Very pretty.
This cold is killing me.. Blerugh

In motion

Sick friday
Sick.. feverish and just not happy. It's friday and a lovely day.

I have missed being alone. I have missed being just me, Chili and our little conversations. Yea, I know, Im nuts.
I have missed playing the piano and I have missed singing, reading my weird books, watching the water change from my room. Soppy over.
I found a documentary about people who think they are animals. They themselves Furies.
Its kinda amusing, especially one girl who seems a bit.. crazy. I'd share it here, but its in Swedish.
Even if I can't really relate or understand them, it is kinda nice to see that people don't hide who they are, but express that. It is nice to see.
Anyway, I am all ill and pathetic, and I took a picture of myself to show, but then I found this awesome photo fixer thing and made this!

I have some food pictures.. But that about it. Ohyea.. Im fucking sick. Splendid.
I'm gonna go to the library and then the store today. My mother and I are going to have a little crayfish gettogether tomorrow night =)

The art of Forgiveness
I would build walls
For miles around me
Around anything that hurt
Any sensitive category
Kept love at an arm's-length
It was natural to me
You did not agree
You said things like "Unhealthy"
And I took on the task
Of changing my pattern
All you did was ask
And the walls all came crashing
At a welcoming speed
I was convinced you'd never hurt me
And I used to cling to the back of your mind
But I must have let go
At the moment in time
When she offered careless physical joy
Both bouncing my heart around
Like a cheap rubber toy
And after countless
Of crying
Trying to forgive you
Believe you
Grow a spine and leave you
Grieve you
I've come to this conclusion
No one prepares you when choosing to stay
How to dare share a bed again
Keep demons at bay
She took something precious
That was just meant for me
Not for her eyes to see
And I used to cling to the back of your mind
But you must have let go
At the moment in time
When she offered careless physical joy
Both bouncing my heart around
Like a cheap rubber toy
And after countless
Of crying
Trying to forgive you
Believe you
Grow a spine and leave you
Grieve you
And after countless
Of crying
Trying to forgive you
Believe you
Grow a spine and leave you
Grieve you
I've come to this conclusion
After all the years you invested in me
All the love, tears, and possibilities
I realize that if the tables were turned around
You wouldn't leave me now
For miles around me
Around anything that hurt
Any sensitive category
Kept love at an arm's-length
It was natural to me
You did not agree
You said things like "Unhealthy"
And I took on the task
Of changing my pattern
All you did was ask
And the walls all came crashing
At a welcoming speed
I was convinced you'd never hurt me
And I used to cling to the back of your mind
But I must have let go
At the moment in time
When she offered careless physical joy
Both bouncing my heart around
Like a cheap rubber toy
And after countless
Of crying
Trying to forgive you
Believe you
Grow a spine and leave you
Grieve you
I've come to this conclusion
No one prepares you when choosing to stay
How to dare share a bed again
Keep demons at bay
She took something precious
That was just meant for me
Not for her eyes to see
And I used to cling to the back of your mind
But you must have let go
At the moment in time
When she offered careless physical joy
Both bouncing my heart around
Like a cheap rubber toy
And after countless
Of crying
Trying to forgive you
Believe you
Grow a spine and leave you
Grieve you
And after countless
Of crying
Trying to forgive you
Believe you
Grow a spine and leave you
Grieve you
I've come to this conclusion
After all the years you invested in me
All the love, tears, and possibilities
I realize that if the tables were turned around
You wouldn't leave me now