Ready Meals.
Bei's section in the fridge.
Ready meals =P

I'm off to work!
Morning 4.
Today I feel just as good as I did last night. very sharp and energetic. Light in both body and mind, somehow. Its great.

Going home on the subway last night wasnt too much fun. People eating everywhere, smelling their food and their fries. Then I just remind myself of all the crap they are filling their bodies with, that I am not, but that didnt help =P
I still wanted their fries. So, as long as I don't smell other peoples food, I am coolio.
Again today, started the morning with lemonwater, followed by green tea. And a smoothie I made yday is waiting in the fridge. Then again I have to make veggie shakes and more smoothies.

Greasy ending of day 3.
Work was OK. Slow day anyway, so didnt really feel deprived of any energy.
I had my veggie shake on the bus and people looked at me while drinking it with disgust, haha. I would too! No blame. Then on my way home I had a smoothie, right before I almost got ran over by a fat cyclist. Asshole.
I had my veggie shake on the bus and people looked at me while drinking it with disgust, haha. I would too! No blame. Then on my way home I had a smoothie, right before I almost got ran over by a fat cyclist. Asshole.
Anyway, I wanted to tell the people who are following this detox drama of mine, that from now on I will take 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil every night. Its supposed to help you.. well basically shit more?
It doesnt say that, ofcourse, but it says that it moiusturising your intestine. =P
Just listen to that. Moiusturising your intestine. What the fuck is that?! My intestine is moist enough, thank you very much. But what the hell... can't hurt.

( x2 )
Ready for work!
I still feel amazing- which is a good sign. I hope =P

No.. "Go on a Detox to feel absolutely crap!" Nope, thats not really the slogan, is it.
I made a veggie shake that I will have on my way TO work, and a smoothie to have on my way back.
The veggie shake smells like freshly cut grass, and tastes like it too, pretty much. Still tastes fresh though!
And I feel fresh, very very fresh.

(broccoli, cucumber, ginger, spinach and a little bit of an apple)

(mixy mixy)

(ready for work!)

(feelin' clean)
Morning 3.
I feel amazing. I feel light, quick, I slept like a baby even though I go to bed feeling more hungry than I usually do..

This is going great and now Im not even in the mood to eat and break this anymore.
My dear mother broke it the same day by the time she usually have dinner.
I'm just happy, sat here with my herbal tea (already had a glas of lemonwater), gonna have a smoothie in half an hour. Then I will have to prepare a few veggie juices for work. Can't go 5 hours, very active, withough anything when you're on a detox. Your body would take immediate damage.

Dinner, and I'm not even hungry
Had dinner. Carrot + cabbage + onion + bit of broth and water. Lots of water.

Then filter it, and drink.
Then I have a smoothie for later., like candy.
For a girl who havent had any meet, dairy, breed or any real food besides liquid fruit and veg. I am feeling pretty good. May I add that I have had no smokes and no caffein either.
Pic; Making of carrot/cabbage juice and my storage of freshness.

Smoothie hour! =D
I am so happy right now. I have been cranky and just horrible all day, because I am starving..

But now I've been out getting some juice and smoothie supplies. I made a smoothie of blueberries, banana and almond-milk. And after a whole day of this veggie-vomit I have been forcing down my throat, this is pure heaven. Pure god damn heaven, I tell ya!

(my slice of heaven)

Happy Bei!
Keep on struggling.
Went to bed absolutely starving last night. Found a bag of cheese doodles in my room and DAMN that took some willpower to resist. But I did. I had a glas of water and went to bed with the iPad. Fell asleep after watching Truman Show and playing Solitare. Like the old fart I am.
This morning I felt ... tired, sad and just not in the mood to eat or drink anything, not even real food. I felt nausious and as if I would throw up.
So after my piss-tasting, warm lemonwater, I forced down some carrot juice with cucumber down my throat.
So after my piss-tasting, warm lemonwater, I forced down some carrot juice with cucumber down my throat.
And now I have a cabbage/avocado goo to swallow. Remind me again why I am doing this...

Sick of this already..
Mmm dinner... carrot and cucumber juice with some seends and nutts in. Its been sitting on my desk just starring at me for 30 minutes. I am really not in the mood to drink another fucking veggie-juice. And its looks like puke.

Looked better before.. ..becoming this puke
Snacktime and I am happy. This one is not that bad, it actually tastes quite tasty.

Its just a smoothie made from almond-milk and blueberries.

How to make almond-milk. Blender + almonds + water = almond-milk.

Pretty color!
Lunch is over, thankfully.
The juice for lunch was.... horrible!

Broccoli, carrot, onion, garlic and parsley. My mom is doing this too, but she added salt in hers, which made it kinda nice. But Im not allowed to have salt, so .. fuck you, mom =P

Really struggling here

Detox breakfast.
Not very exciting. Half a glas of warm water with lemon juice in it. And I've also already prepared my lunch. Its a green goo. Made from sallad, avakado, melon and a tiny pit of red peppers (paprika).

Mmm breaky! Preparing lunch =S
One week, starting tomorrow!
I just read a lot about detoxing, and I am gonna try. TRY!
Make soups, smoothies, start each day with a glas of lemon water. And then green tea. Thats all.
Oh and some salad. This for one whole week. No alcohol, no dairy, no cigs, well.. not alot.
Gonna see if I can find some protein powder somewhere too. Its good to have in the smoothies so the muscles wont be damaged from not eating enough.
By this time tomorrow , I will probably have failed already. Lets see =P

I have internet, once again.
Funny story. Guess where there is no internet. The countryside. Not alot of blogging, facebooking or tweeting for me this weekend. So, not really a funny story at all. Almost tragic.
Although I didnt leave the city for that, I went to visit my granddad, so totally worth it. Ive had a great weekend. And ofc we watched Eurovision Song Contest, and as predicted, we won.
Funny saying, that. "we won" just because its a girl from sweden. I sure as hell didnt win anything. I cant sing like that, dance or look that good. I cant even talk infront or a crowd. Me infront of 20k peoeple live and another 100 million veiwers around Europe... Nope, thats not the Bei-way.
In three hours I am going to the northern part of my beautiful city to be picked up by my father. We're going to my granddad... he lives in hell. (read; the countryside)

So, to get there, I will have to spend 4 hours in a car, the hottest day, so far, of the year. Awesome. Bringing phone, two books and an iPad. I think I will survive!
Im gonna update my blog like 55 times today, because I will be slightly bored.

Sweat baby sweat.
Sitting on the balcony atm, sweating like the fat kid in gymclass. Just posted on Facebook that Im sweating between the layers of fat on my body. I get alot of reactions. i personally think its a lot better than people posting about eating lunch, walking the dog, going to work or the weather or the day. But it really is toasty here.
Im also typing on an iPad so mistakes are to be made. Im a noob with this, and phones, for that matter.
Rummer time is heeeere and I am going out for some more tanning. Since I've been sun stroked (wait. Sun strook? Striked? We'll work that out..) two days in a row, I thought, hey, why stop now? Its almost a tradition now.
So, Stockholms-folk. If you see a dead lobster somewhere, dont eat, it could be Bei! Or Beicon.
Anywho. Also, a bit of hate before I go. There isnt only the duck-faced people who show themselves on Facebook and blogs and shit, there are also these girls who look happy with their eyes (they think) and then press their lips together and smile at the same time. And I want to be like them, since that is what beauty is nowadays.

Cya later, folks.
Death to the Builders under my bedroom!
Good FUCKING morning.

Under my apartment there are unfinished stores. They decide to change the "unfinished" part at 7.30 in the fucking morning. What the fuck is up with that?!
Good thing I have to go to work til 2pm. But still, it even pisses my dog off!