Right. time to start updating again.
Apparantly I am going to Cyprus in a month, and I have to look amazing.
So, back on diet and.. I would be out jogging if I could. But since I had a night in terror the other night, I will chill a bit.
I woke up about 15 times in panic, my chestpains had gone really bad and I had a really hard time breathing.
I resisted the urge to call an ambulance since I though it would be better in the morning if I just got some sleep.
I didnt sleep much and when I finally gave in, the pain was still horrible. My boyfriend called a hospital and I got the advice to move around. Yea, she thought I had trapped wind, aka, gas. That was the highlight of my day.
I went for a walk, but that only made it worse. So I was in bed pretty much all day.
Im better today, but sleeping is still difficult. So.. no exercising for moi.
Im better today, but sleeping is still difficult. So.. no exercising for moi.
So, gonna try to get my body in shape. I was on such a great path and then... I moved =P
And I got lazy. Also, here, nobody is out running. So I kinda feel a bit strange going out for a jog when nobody around me jogs! Here, if you wanna get slim, go to a gym. If you cant afford that, stay fat.
Thats also a great excuse if you dont want to exercise. "I cant be slim cause.. I cant afford the gym" =P
Well, we'll see. Thats all for me, adios.