Last day

Last day at work, then im off for a month, summer time.
Althouuuuugh I will be studying all summer. But still, no work. Glad I live in the greatest city on earth, right by the water. With school costing shitloads, I wont be able to get my ass anywhere =P

Where are my dragons? =(

I'm very Game of Thrones today. 
.. I would say if I had something to take.


So ... I have stopped sleeping. Wich lead me close to faint yesterday.
Fucking chest.. fucking brain.. fucking everything at once as usual.
Today I slept even less, think I got a solid hour or so. And I am working today.
I feel like getting a bottle of wine and down that before going to bed. Should knock me out =P
But I am not going to. I will instead leave the city for some quiet book writing time in the middle of the nowhere. If I cant borrow a laptop from some nice lady.
The sun is shining. Im reading the news.. and .. sigh.
A wolf trainer died in an animal park a few days ago. Its been on the news for 3 days. A wolf trainer.
How to train a wolf? If they were so friendly and kind, we wouldnt be fascinated by them at the zoo, would we?
Are these people SURPRISED this happens? "OH MY GOD! A lion trainer got attacked BY HIS OWN LION! =O"
Yea... its a liiiittle side effect of his profession, and I bet he knew that going in.
Now the family to the wolf trainer is suing the zoo. Come on, that IS funny. =P
I somehow doubt that she was forced to be a wolf trainer. Its n ot like you graduate college and go "well, gotta go to wolf trainer school because.. there is where the jobs are"

Swim or Drown.

Going to work, and I am glad. I want to be busy. Its hot as hell so Im taking le kids to the lake. Not to drown them, to teach them to swim. Thumbs up!

THIS is love.

Completely forgot!

I've forgotten about this for a while =P

Well, the friday last weekend I went out, had a glas of wine during the 4 hours I was there, and about 10 pints of lemon water, so that went well.
The day after on the other hand, I had 2 glasses of wine at a restaurant opening, together with some salad. I felt fine til I woke up at 2 am and couldn't even stand up. So damn sick.
Anyway, the day after that, sunday, I felt fine again and went to a water park with my dad, his wife and a kid with special need they take care of.
And I am back to smoothies, veggie shakes, and some food every day. I don't wanna fuck up my energy I have, or the skin I got from this.

So ysterday when I went to a beer garden I had a non alcoholic one, then I bought non alcoholic wine, that tasted like ass. So I got more of those non alcoholic beers for the evening bbq. Works splendedly.

Friday dinner, a la detox.

Yea, not very exciting. But whatta heck!
Gonna have another one of those margaritas later.

Holy friday!

Its friday, and I am not eating.
I was a bit down about that. No food, and no delicious wine, and later when I go out, no drinks. SO! When I made my normal almond-milk smoothies for the day, I got an idea.
I made an apple/pineapple margarita for lunch. I know.. lunch =P
But I get to have more of it later. It tastes amazing! I added a bit of lemon juice in it too, and then crushed ice. Its fabolous and very healthy.

Goood morning day 5.

Friday and its day 5 and I have decided to go through with this til monday. ALL DAMN WEEKEND.
Going to a bar later to have a drink with a friend but I'll just have water with lemon, OR bring a smoothie of my own to pour in a glas =P CLASSEH!

And as usual I start the day with a glas of lemonwater followed by herbal tea, with lemon in.